In today’s world of biodiversity loss and climate change, things can get heavy, hopeless and judgemental.
welcome to a place where we concentrate on the positives and how we can have an impact by actually enjoying our lives via nature photography and nature based travel.
Jonna Wood is a Finnish-American nature & wildlife photographer, conservationist, ecotourism developer and Planet Positive Marketing pro currently living in Finland.

Photo: Suvi Elo
Planet positive photography & marketing explained
1. As a Nature and Wildlife Photographer I contribute to the wider narrative about nature and its well-being. That narrative shapes our thoughts, behaviours and actions on this planet.
That is why, I feel a sense of responsibility about how I photograph and portray nature.
To me Planet Positive Photography means:
Acting in a way that respects nature and ALL of her inhabitants.
– Paying close attention to the narratives my content contributes to. For example not just showing a highly limited and glamourised side of nature in my photographs to contribute to the narrative, that there is plenty of pristine forests and cute and cuddly biodiversity left all over…when that is not the case. I also aim to tell the stories and the realities behind the beautiful pictures to increase awareness and inspire change as well as hope.
2. As an influencer, Ecotourism & Nature based travel specialist and international marketing multitalent I use my skills, photography and platforms to promote and lift up individuals and organisations, that are or wish to be more Planet Positive. And share my travel experiences and tips to encourage and help others to choose destinations and operators that work in a responsible way to create positive change for communities and the environment.
Biodiversity, kind and humane treatment of all animals including humans, freedom, inclusion, nature conservation and work to end violence towards nature; are a few of the areas I am passionate about. Sustainability, truly authentic experiences, environmental and social values are some of the rising mega trends in travel, photography and business. It’s easier and more in need that ever to use your business or personal choices in creating a more positive planet for all. LET’S!


The future is bright?

life lately

Great grey owl on snow

There should be more wolves.

Magic in the woods

Key deer in Florida sunset

I'll just sneak past here, shhh

Just a plover baby

What's up?

a day in the woods

Wild fox cub in the woods

cotton grass dreams

Great horned owl - Florida

fast as f*


Midsummer night.

Finnish archipelago

Starry night in the arctic

Boardwalk to paradise - senja norway

Arctic Ocean with Oopz

Puljun Erämaa Lapland

Happy place

chasing waterfalls

Taking in the stars

Teno river at fall - Utsjoki Finnish lapland

Enjoying the fresh air

Not talking to you

Northern lights and me

Life is a beach - Varanger peninsula

Lights in the moonlight

Autumn fog

Living the life